The DC-BTC - Decentralized community Bitcoin!                             Minimum profit is +10% per 2 days.     Up to +9% Referral Bonus.     3-level Partner Bonuses.     Open Around The Clock 24/7. 

  • Members: 78984
  • Donations: 357760
  • Paid to members: 71213.37 BTC
  • Referral bonuses paid: 2614.76 BTC

Start participating and earning +10% per 2 days is easy:


Enter your BTC address and click “Join”.


In personal page you will see the system's address, transfer BTC to it and your balance will be updated.


The day after your donation will return to your wallet and +10% as reward.

And that is it! Nothing complicated. All the payouts are made automatically.

Use the same BTC address for all subsequent donations. Once you want to earn +10% - just transfer BTC on the same address.

For example, if you've donated 1BTC on 15th, it means that you will get 1.1BTC on 17th! That day you can make a new dontation.